Monday, February 18, 2013

Coupon Binder Tour

Yes, I am a crazy coupon wifey! I enjoy finding, organizing, and using my coupons. I do not consider myself an "extreme couponer." I love to do it but it is not nor will it ever be, my main focus. When things get busy and crazy it takes a back burner in our lives. I do like to keep it simple so I can continue to save money on the basics though. Here is my first step on how I keep my binder organized!

First, I bought a binder like this from Target.They even have coupons right now for them! 

Many people like to use baseball card protector sheets to store their coupons. I prefer to use Currency protective sheets. Currency Sheets I don't like to fold my coupons. This way I can fit them without dividing. I use about 50 sheets. I then Label mine with mailing address labels. They peel on and off cleanly! 

My Binder is split into 3 main groups with about 50 sub-groups and about 150 pockets for coupons. My 3 main groups are:
Personal - Meds, toiletries, and baby products
Household - paper products, office supplies, cleaning supplies
Food - anything we or the dogs eat or drink. 

My Sub-groups are very detailed. A few examples would be meds, dental, hair, Hands, Baby, Cleaning, Office, Drinks, canned foods, frozen food, Dogs. I will get a full list up later.

An example of my pockets would be in my Hair group I have my pockets labeled Shampoo, Styling products, and Hair Dye. many groups have their own Misc. pocket as well for those few that just don't fit in a certain pocket. 

I get my coupons from the Sunday Paper ( I buy 2 each week) and online. My best coupons come from online. I usually spend a few hours on one day a week clipping and sorting. This week after clipping I had a pile like this...

After Clipping my coupons I sort them into the 4 piles.
Store/website coupons (Haircuts,Vista Print) I do not keep these in my binder. (I will explain shortly!)

Once they are sorted into piles I sort them into the binder. Often into their groups. I just stuff them in the proper pockets and keep moving. I always go back and organize later. 

Once everything is put away... and this is where I go a little over board for most.. I am a very visual person. I  have tried going to the store with my binder and may list and my plan and I never remember what coupons I have. I was always cleaning out great expired coupons! (argh..) Okay, I literally a make color-coded  list of all my coupons. It sounds like a lot and at first it is. Once you have your first list made and saved on you computer (and well, you don't wipe your computer and your back up fails like mine just did recently...argh..) It it really easy to keep updated. Now this is a system I made for my needs but everyone is different. Right now, I go shopping once every two weeks. Pay day! I don't update and print it out every time I get a new coupon that would be silly. I update once a week and print once every two weeks! 

Here is an example of my list. 

I go through my binder and paper clip like coupons and Stacked deals together. My list is broken into my groups that are in my binder. When I am in Target I can scan my list for all Orange coupons. In a glance I can see all that are about to expire in Red. One I use a coupon I mark it off on the list. I carry a clipboard with me shopping and keep this and my shopping list on it 
 I don't use all my coupons. I only buy an item if I need it, or I will use it in the future, or someone I know will need it soon, Or if it is Free. If a friend or I can't use it, I will donate it to a cause. But I am on a tight budget and do not spend money on non-necessities very often. Any coupons I don't use I donate to the military. families over seas can use coupons 6months past their expiration dates! There is a link on my Crazy coupon wifey page. 

My binder also has some expandable pockets...

I use these to store each stores coupon policy, mail in rebates, any large pages that don't work in my other spots. 

I have zipper pockets as shown in the first image on the page. I keep one empty so I have a spot to place the coupons I am using in whatever shopping trip I am on. When I get to the check out they are all ready to go. The other one hold spare pens, paperclips, and scissors. 

Once you find a system that works for you it is really easy to stay organized and does not take very long to do so. I shop at Wal-mart for most my groceries and I save about 50-100 a shopping trip. Sometimes less, Sometimes more, It just depends on our needs and my coupons that week. I do have a 50.00 budget a week for food and 20.00 a week for household items. So I spend 140 every two weeks on all our food and household items. 

I hope this helped and didn't overwhelm! 

Happy Saving! 
A Creative Wife

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